Forbes: How to enhance your employer brand for recruiting success.

To stand out when it comes to talent acquisition and retention, a company needs to prioritize its employer brand.
HR leaders play an important role in shaping and enhancing this brand within their organization.
South End Partners Founder & President, Casey Huebsch is featured in a Forbes profile on strategies HR leaders can leverage to build their employer brand and ensure it stands out in a crowded marketplace.
His advice? Talk about your why.
“Instead of talking about who your company is, explain why and how the people in your business make it great. HR leaders should use every touchpoint in the candidate experience, from the job post to interviews to discuss the importance of their people to the company’s culture and mission”
Read the full article here.
Not sure where to start? We can help.
At South End Partners, our Toronto executive recruiters work with large and small organizations across industries (from technology, to supply chain, to sales and operations) to help them find the right leaders for the right opportunities using an objective, data driven approach.
We also provide comprehensive HR consulting services including onboarding support, interview coaching and training, and strategies to develop your superstar teams.
Reach out to find out how we can help you today!